Jos olet kiinnostunut lukemaan mitä yhä jaksan raapustaa (nyt kun taas olen sairaalassa eikä muutakaan tekemistä) niin menehän osoitteeseen:
Siellä on nykyisin blogini, en tätä enää juurikaan päivittele, mutten myöskään poista mitään. Saatan jopa ottaa täältä jotain vanhempaa kamaa ja viitata sihen uudessani. Elämäni vain on hieman erilainen nyt kuin puoli vuotta sitten tai vuosi sitten, joten ajattelin aloittaa tyhjältä pöydältä. Ja ystäväni, joka alkoi kutsua minua Frankiksi auttoi asiassa paljonkin. Pidän jopa siitä nimestä, ainoa lempinimi, josta olen välittänyt ja jolla on sentään jotain tekemistä oikean nimeni kanssa.
Blogi on todennäköisesti henkilökohtaisempi ja tarkempi kuin tämä, joten vain varoituksen sana. Saatatte nähdä osan minusta, jota ette ikinä olisi halunneet nähdä.
Kirjoitan vain englanniksi frankisavagella.
If you're interested in continuing to read what I have to say (now that I also have time since I'm stuck in hospital again) you are welcome to go visit my new blog at:
This old blog will still be here and might even be used as a source at my new one from time to time, but it will not be updated otherwise. My life has changed quite radically in the last year and I felt a clean start to be the best alternative. The name came from a friend of mine starting to call me Frank, which might just be the only nickname that I have ever liked that has some reference to my real name!
The new blog may also be more personal than this one, so you are warned. You might see sides of me you wish you never had!
Also I only write in English at frankiesavage.
tiistai 19. marraskuuta 2013
sunnuntai 20. lokakuuta 2013
torstai 17. lokakuuta 2013
Switzerland pt 3 : Aareschlucht, Reichenbachfall, Zürich Zoo
Last part now, I know it took ages and I'm going on my next trip in two weeks (not to Switzerland though), so I'm really late with these, but bare with me!
And if you didn't know Reichenbachfall was the waterfall where Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes died (yes I know he was written to have survived later, but that was lame). Also the little rail that goes up is one of the oldest of the kind. It's also seriously cute.
Aare is a river that goes in Bern, it has a canyon in Meiringen (Aareschlucht).
And if you didn't know Reichenbachfall was the waterfall where Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes died (yes I know he was written to have survived later, but that was lame). Also the little rail that goes up is one of the oldest of the kind. It's also seriously cute.
Aare is a river that goes in Bern, it has a canyon in Meiringen (Aareschlucht).
Sorry again
Turns out studying and being a tutor really takes a toll, I haven't slept a good night's sleep for the last two months, I am always doing something somewhere (never really at home) and as a too active tutor I've ended up planning parties nobody else even considered (thankfully not alone, but it's still a lot of work).
No I'd love to tell you guys everything about this Autumn, because it has been a BLAST.
I LOVE being a tutor. Our freshers are absolutely wonderful, my fellow tutors are perfect and the parties and everything have been the best ever. Also my teachers are wonderful even though I lost my favourite. His replacement is yeah well, a near exact replacement.
Plus he's Scottish so booya I get to hear him talk with an accent all the time.
I haven't been panicky or depressed for a long while now, which is lovely, obviously my withdrawal has gone now, so that's nice. Been really okay too, everybody else has been really sick and all I had was a cough. Pretty well done for my body, seeing as it usually screws up every cold into a frigging hell.
I've gone through all kinds of weirdo crushes the last few months, I rarely get any crushes at all, but nevermind, maybe it's this horribly social life!
I managed to get through my first Appro ever without passing out in a cab and crying to my dad. But then again, the first limit for Hämeenkadun Appro is like half of Helsinginkadun...I'm never doing that again.
Oh and I noticed I keep writing in English. Oh well, fine by me, probably won't be writing much in Finnish at all after this, seeing as English is something I use a lot more than Finnish ordinarily.
I'll try my best to keep up now, but for a while it'll be rather tough.
Next week we'll be having our first English students' sitsit for this semester! It'll be awesome as hell, because it's a Living Dead Sitsit and AND we're so well prepared it's scary. The entirety of Wednesday will go in cooking beetroots.
Here's a kitten and some music:
No I'd love to tell you guys everything about this Autumn, because it has been a BLAST.
I LOVE being a tutor. Our freshers are absolutely wonderful, my fellow tutors are perfect and the parties and everything have been the best ever. Also my teachers are wonderful even though I lost my favourite. His replacement is yeah well, a near exact replacement.
Plus he's Scottish so booya I get to hear him talk with an accent all the time.
I haven't been panicky or depressed for a long while now, which is lovely, obviously my withdrawal has gone now, so that's nice. Been really okay too, everybody else has been really sick and all I had was a cough. Pretty well done for my body, seeing as it usually screws up every cold into a frigging hell.
I've gone through all kinds of weirdo crushes the last few months, I rarely get any crushes at all, but nevermind, maybe it's this horribly social life!
I managed to get through my first Appro ever without passing out in a cab and crying to my dad. But then again, the first limit for Hämeenkadun Appro is like half of Helsinginkadun...I'm never doing that again.
Oh and I noticed I keep writing in English. Oh well, fine by me, probably won't be writing much in Finnish at all after this, seeing as English is something I use a lot more than Finnish ordinarily.
I'll try my best to keep up now, but for a while it'll be rather tough.
Next week we'll be having our first English students' sitsit for this semester! It'll be awesome as hell, because it's a Living Dead Sitsit and AND we're so well prepared it's scary. The entirety of Wednesday will go in cooking beetroots.
Here's a kitten and some music:
Sleeping with Sirens - Alone ft MGK
sleeping with sirens,
tiistai 20. elokuuta 2013
Vähän omasta tumblristani viime päiviltä // A bit of my tumblr from the last few days
En ole kauheasti täällä käynyt viime aikoina, ja suurimmaksi syyksi se, etten juurikaan huono-oloisena käytä tietokonetta. Jotenkin tietokoneen käyttäminen tuntuu vain pahentavan apatiaani, joten mieluummin olen sitten puhelimen kautta netissä ja jossain missä tunnen oloni mukavaksi. Esimerkiksi alakerran sohvalla. Katsoen jotain kivaa, niinkuin Tähtiporttia.
Joka tapauksessa, Tumblria käytän päivittäin, koska sen UI on aivan mahtava mobiilille. Se toimii myös huomattavasti huonommalla netillä kuin esimerkiksi mikään puhelimessani olevista chattiohjelmista.
Joten tässä vähän jotain sieltä.
I haven't been here for a while, and the biggest reason being that computers, or at least being on one make me more apathetic if I already am even slightly. So I tend to avoid computers in those times. I prefer then to be online on my mobile from somewhere comfy and safe, say downstairs sofa, watching something fun like Stargate...
But I do use Tumblr every day, because it's UI is so much better in the mobile version in my opinion. It also works on a much crappier internet than any of the chat programmes I have on my phone.
So here's something from there.
Joka tapauksessa, Tumblria käytän päivittäin, koska sen UI on aivan mahtava mobiilille. Se toimii myös huomattavasti huonommalla netillä kuin esimerkiksi mikään puhelimessani olevista chattiohjelmista.
Joten tässä vähän jotain sieltä.
I haven't been here for a while, and the biggest reason being that computers, or at least being on one make me more apathetic if I already am even slightly. So I tend to avoid computers in those times. I prefer then to be online on my mobile from somewhere comfy and safe, say downstairs sofa, watching something fun like Stargate...
But I do use Tumblr every day, because it's UI is so much better in the mobile version in my opinion. It also works on a much crappier internet than any of the chat programmes I have on my phone.
So here's something from there.
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geno75.tumblr.com Geno75 is one of my favourite artsists on Tumblr and copyright there. |
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Mother of London |
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Felt like a real zombie last night, couldn't sleep, and yes that'sa whole no make up me. |
Zombiewalk Turku 2013
Noniin, tässä nyt oma postaukseni aiheesta. Ensimmäinen kerta kun ikinä kävin ottamassa osaa walkiin, vaikka vahingossa olenkin välillä ollut jatkoilla samoissa paikoissa.
Senpä takia en myöskään tiennyt yhtään mitään siitä mitä olisi ehkä kannattanut naamalle tehdä ennen tällaista tapahtumaa, mutta tässä nyt vähän jotain. Kavereiden kanssa tosiaan mentiin ja löysin myös aivan uusia ihania kavereita walkilta.
Itse walk oli mahtava, todella hauskaa, vaikka kuinka sataa tihkuttikin (onneksi olin päättänyt olla käyttämättä lateksia, joten mitään ei oikeastaan tippunut irti missään vaiheessa) ja tuli juotua aivan liikaa jatkoilla. Näin yhä opiaattivierotusoireisena ei ehkä kannattaisi juoda lainkaan, mutta se vähän unohtuu ja sitten se vähän riistäytyi käsistä. Mutta en kuulemma tehnyt mitään aivan järkyttävää, sammuin vain kaverien hytin sohvalle.
Josta sitten aamuvarhaisella livuin omaan hotelliin ja haisin yhä oikealta naudanvereltä kun matkasin junalla takaisin Keravalle.
Ei kai sellaista voi kutsua kuin mahtavaksi?
So for the first time in my life I actually participated in a Zombiewalk, and seriously not knowing anything what I was supposed to do, it was a definite adventure. I went with a few friends and met some lovely new ones. The walk itself was fantastic though it was drizzling rain constantly, thankfully I decided against latex before the event, so nothing came really off, and I ended up drinking waay too much at the afterparty. As someone who's still going through withdrawal I probably shouldn't be drinking at all, but oh well. I ended up passing out my friends' cabin's couch and sleeping there till morning, when I got back to my own hotel and after a few hours sleep took the train back to Kerava still smelling like bovine blood (and kidneys for some reason).
I mean...is there any other way of describing a night like that as something other than awesome?
Osa kuvista on edellisiltä päiviltä, jolloin vain mietin mitä meikeistäni käytän (siis mitä värejä jne), eli mitään verta ei näy. Kotona otetut kuvat taas tekoverenä käytin Maybellinen Super Stay 10 H Tint glossia, joten sitä ei ole kovin paljon, mutta se pysyi loistavasti ja näytti todella aidolta kuivuessaan. Eikä muuten lähtenyt irti ihosta kuin vasta tänään kunnolla. Oikea tekoveri tuli sitten vasta hotellihuoneessa Turussa ja sitä näkyy sitten viimeisissä kuvissa. Otsassa on lappu, jossa koreaksi lukee gangshi (sellainen aasialainen zombie, menkäähän googlaamaan), ja ohimolle liimasin jäkälää. Askarteluliima ei muuten lähde enää hiuksista irti, joten nyt pari kaljua läntti ohimolla. Muuten meikkeihin käytin varsinkin käsiin ja jalkoihin punaista ja mustaa kynsilakkaa, ja muutamia luomivärejä, koska en todella halunnut VR:n valittavan sotkuistani matkani aikana...
Viimeisen kuva on ottanut Iiris Siltala, joka myös kuvassa mukana aivan mahtimeikeillään <3
Some of the photos are from the days before the walk when I was just trying on some different coloured makeups, so no blood visible. The photos I took at home before the walk I had no fake blood yet, I use Maybelline's Super Stay 10 H Tint gloss which worked perfectly fine and didn't leave for a few days! On my forehead I have a piece of paper that says gangshi in Korean, it's like an Asian zombie (go google), and on the sides I have some lichen (don't use glue on your hair, it doesn't come off). For my legs and hands I used mostly nailpolish (red and black) and some eyeshadows, because I didn't want the railway company coming after me for making a mess on their trains...
The real fake blood came in the hotel room in Turku, which can be visible in the last few photos. The last photo was taken by Iiris Siltala, who's with me in the photo with her awesome makeup <3
Senpä takia en myöskään tiennyt yhtään mitään siitä mitä olisi ehkä kannattanut naamalle tehdä ennen tällaista tapahtumaa, mutta tässä nyt vähän jotain. Kavereiden kanssa tosiaan mentiin ja löysin myös aivan uusia ihania kavereita walkilta.
Itse walk oli mahtava, todella hauskaa, vaikka kuinka sataa tihkuttikin (onneksi olin päättänyt olla käyttämättä lateksia, joten mitään ei oikeastaan tippunut irti missään vaiheessa) ja tuli juotua aivan liikaa jatkoilla. Näin yhä opiaattivierotusoireisena ei ehkä kannattaisi juoda lainkaan, mutta se vähän unohtuu ja sitten se vähän riistäytyi käsistä. Mutta en kuulemma tehnyt mitään aivan järkyttävää, sammuin vain kaverien hytin sohvalle.
Josta sitten aamuvarhaisella livuin omaan hotelliin ja haisin yhä oikealta naudanvereltä kun matkasin junalla takaisin Keravalle.
Ei kai sellaista voi kutsua kuin mahtavaksi?
So for the first time in my life I actually participated in a Zombiewalk, and seriously not knowing anything what I was supposed to do, it was a definite adventure. I went with a few friends and met some lovely new ones. The walk itself was fantastic though it was drizzling rain constantly, thankfully I decided against latex before the event, so nothing came really off, and I ended up drinking waay too much at the afterparty. As someone who's still going through withdrawal I probably shouldn't be drinking at all, but oh well. I ended up passing out my friends' cabin's couch and sleeping there till morning, when I got back to my own hotel and after a few hours sleep took the train back to Kerava still smelling like bovine blood (and kidneys for some reason).
I mean...is there any other way of describing a night like that as something other than awesome?
Osa kuvista on edellisiltä päiviltä, jolloin vain mietin mitä meikeistäni käytän (siis mitä värejä jne), eli mitään verta ei näy. Kotona otetut kuvat taas tekoverenä käytin Maybellinen Super Stay 10 H Tint glossia, joten sitä ei ole kovin paljon, mutta se pysyi loistavasti ja näytti todella aidolta kuivuessaan. Eikä muuten lähtenyt irti ihosta kuin vasta tänään kunnolla. Oikea tekoveri tuli sitten vasta hotellihuoneessa Turussa ja sitä näkyy sitten viimeisissä kuvissa. Otsassa on lappu, jossa koreaksi lukee gangshi (sellainen aasialainen zombie, menkäähän googlaamaan), ja ohimolle liimasin jäkälää. Askarteluliima ei muuten lähde enää hiuksista irti, joten nyt pari kaljua läntti ohimolla. Muuten meikkeihin käytin varsinkin käsiin ja jalkoihin punaista ja mustaa kynsilakkaa, ja muutamia luomivärejä, koska en todella halunnut VR:n valittavan sotkuistani matkani aikana...
Viimeisen kuva on ottanut Iiris Siltala, joka myös kuvassa mukana aivan mahtimeikeillään <3
Some of the photos are from the days before the walk when I was just trying on some different coloured makeups, so no blood visible. The photos I took at home before the walk I had no fake blood yet, I use Maybelline's Super Stay 10 H Tint gloss which worked perfectly fine and didn't leave for a few days! On my forehead I have a piece of paper that says gangshi in Korean, it's like an Asian zombie (go google), and on the sides I have some lichen (don't use glue on your hair, it doesn't come off). For my legs and hands I used mostly nailpolish (red and black) and some eyeshadows, because I didn't want the railway company coming after me for making a mess on their trains...
The real fake blood came in the hotel room in Turku, which can be visible in the last few photos. The last photo was taken by Iiris Siltala, who's with me in the photo with her awesome makeup <3
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Dreadful picture with a lot of flash! |
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Copyright Iiris Siltala |
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